my name's razz! or salem, or plum, or ryan, or absinthe, or ramona, or really any other name you wanna call me. the same principle also applies for pronouns, as long as it's not he/him or she/her. i have oft been described as a drama queen, an attention whore, and generally a weird guy, which are not incorrect assumptions. i prefer to describe myself as a lifelong nerd, a clown, an anarcho-communist, a scene kid, a 2.5 on the gyaru kinsey scale, a 6 on the actual kinsey scale, a chronic tumblr user, and unhealthily obsessed with the city of chicago.
i collect physical media of varying types [especially cd and vinyl], fashion dolls, books, and various physical and mental ailments. [not intentionally, that just keeps happening to me. at least it doesn't cost me money as long as i don't get them treated lmfao]
various potentially interesting facts about me: my favorite colors are, in order; sunflower yellow, cherry red, and teal [which is a shade of blue and if you think it's green you're wrong]. my eyes have been three different colors over the course of my life. disney's theme parks are one of my longest-running hyperfixations and i literally could not be paid to give a single fuck about disney outside of their parks [and alice in wonderland]. i receieved year-long passes to six flags over georgia for my birthday in 2020 and only used them twice, for obvious reasons. i have read homestuck five times and i feel like it's definitely had an effect on my speech patterns. i've been listening to snails by the format on loop while writing this page. my favorite poem is diamond rings don't shine so bright when you know where they come from by f.t. willz. i started dying my hair red when i was 13 because it used to be naturally red, but started turning brown when i hit puberty and i absolutely hated it. i've come to accept my natural hair now, but i keep dying it because i think it makes me look like 2010 gerard way [it doesn't]. i've been stalking the depths of dan howell's tumblr looking for ~*aesthetic*~ stuff to put on my walls. i saw someone talking about pinterest rooms and i was like "you know what? no, i want a 2014 tumblr room," and for some reason this is how i've decided to go about it. two of my longest running creative projects are rpf fanfiction and i'm only a little ashamed about it. i can blame almost half of my interests, the fact that i'm openly alterhuman, and the existence on my pinterest account directly on pete wentz, whom i have never met. i've been reading at a college level since kindergarten [which i believe qualifies as hyperlexia, now that i'm thinking about it. this is what i'm saying! they just keep fucking appearing! /silly]. i was roughly 25-30 minutes away from being born on a leapday.
i'm also really, really fucking bad at css, so forgive me if this site looks a little barebones. i'm working on it. [no i'm not]
other places you can find me:
tumblr 👾 tiktok [yeah yeah i know] 👾 spacehey 👾 pinterest 👾 twitch 👾 roblox 👾 steam